David Thompson Secondary 2025
Slots are 15 minutes long, please arrive and BE READY at least 5 minutes ahead of your booked time slot.
We will be located in:
Room #264
Feb 12 (11am - 8pm)
Feb 13 (9am - 6pm)
Feb 14 (9am - 3pm)
The portrait session sitting fee is $30. You will receive the following for this charge:
We recognize that not every student may wish to participate in the full session, opting solely for the yearbook and inclusion in the grad student composite. If this applies to you, two 15-minute time slots will be available on February 13th from either 8.45am-9.00am or from 6.00pm-6.15pm, allowing all opting grads to come simultaneously for a quick photo session.
NOTE: If you choose to forego the sitting fee and full portrait session, you will not have access to online ordering of your image(s).
All needed graduation attire (cap, gown, sash) will be provided at the session. There will be opportunities to have portraits taken without the graduation gown on, so we encourage students to dress accordingly (formal, semi-formal, etc.)
We encourage students to bring a personalized prop (sports item, musical instrument, hobby item, ect.) that can be featured in their portraits, or to invite one or two friends to have portraits taken with. If you want to have a portrait taken with a fellow grad we highly suggest coordinating your sessions to be back to back.
If the portrait session takes place outside of school hours, students may opt to include a few family members. This option is ONLY available to the sessions after school hours.
Please direct all questions and concerns to [email protected]
Note: All bookings must be made by February 10th at midnight. We will not be able to reschedule any appointments, or refund any cancellation requests made after this time.
Darby Photos is the official photographer for David Thompson Secondary School.